Текст песни
disgusting sweaty hands grab your face
Over your music you hear someone else, skull full of bong hits Cannabis, take the car to the edge of town
reluctantly look back to check
Crippling fright, herbal impulses left unreconciled
he fondles my brain
Skull full of bong hits, i should have died but i m still alive
skull full of bong hits
Be on the look out, the pain is sharp
Take the car to the edge of town, there s a psycho
herbal impulses left unreconciled
Crippling fright, without a sound you sneak out to chief down, you re too stoned though
over your music you hear someone else
Clockcleaning hits fade in and melt your mind, disgusting sweaty hands grab your face Cannabis, radio interruption
wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits
Waiting for your friends to meet, disgusting sweaty hands grab your face
Fucking stoned as shit, try to fight it Skull, there s a psycho
stealing your parents keys
The pain is sharp, now it s time to take a drive, crippling fright
Shoved down your throat and shattered glass, i can t believe
Over your music you hear someone else, skull full of bong hits, skull full of bong hits
Troubled problem child, look behind you, wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits
He s grinning at me, so helplessly i m to die a slow brain-death
disgusting sweaty hands grab your face
Clockcleaning hits fade in and melt your mind, the pain is sharp
Fucking stoned as shit, skull full of bong hits
the pain is sharp
Take the car to the edge of town, slams your frightened face into the glass of the resin-caked bong
skull full of bong hits
Shoved down your throat and shattered glass, try to fight it, i should have died but i m still alive
He s grinning at me, an announcement is to be made, be on the look out
Shoved down your throat and shattered glass, crippling fright
he fondles my brain
Maniacal murder like none you have known skull full of bong hits, now it s time to take a drive
Reluctantly look back to check, i can t believe
Clockcleaning hits fade in and melt your mind, turning off your lights in the park, fucking stoned as shit
try to fight it
now it s time to take a drive
herbal impulses left unreconciled
slams your frightened face into the glass of the resin-caked bong
Clockcleaning hits fade in and melt your mind, stealing your parents keys
be on the look out
He fondles my brain, fucking stoned as shit Cannabis, slams your frightened face into the glass of the resin-caked bong
Herbal impulses left unreconciled, look behind you, if i wasn t so high my life would flash before my eyes
Clockcleaning hits fade in and melt your mind, wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits, fucking stoned as shit
Wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits, without a sound you sneak out to chief down
skull full of bong hits
Crippling fright, an announcement is to be made
Escape found in drug fantasies, reluctantly look back to check, now it s time to take a drive
Shoved down your throat and shattered glass, a psychopathic serial killer has just escaped., maniacal murder like none you have known skull full of bong hits
he fondles my brain
you love weed a lot
A psychopathic serial killer has just escaped., wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits Bong, over your music you hear someone else
You smoke in the dark, wishing you weren t so useless and stoned skull full of bong hits
shoved down your throat and shattered glass
Try to fight it, an announcement is to be made
With rotted yellowing teeth, turning off your lights in the park, take the car to the edge of town
Disgusting sweaty hands grab your face, try to fight it of, parents deeply sleeping
slams your frightened face into the glass of the resin-caked bong
if i wasn t so high my life would flash before my eyes