Текст песни
Will not be denied, they think they can decide how we enjoy ourselves
The 420th crusade, prepare the extermination machines, the 420th crusade
The laws and legislation put into place, the laws and legislation put into place, chronic killers
We re forced to obey, behold the giant clouds of smoke billowing up from the battlefield
Stoner soldiers march to certain death, chronic killers The, but first they have to pay
Stoner soldiers march to certain death, blazing up as we form rank Cannabis, dank bud domination
Will not be denied, the 420th crusade Corpse, we must get high for all the murder
rolling the doobies for the slaughter
blazing it as we form ranks
The call of the apotcalypse is nigh, behold the giant clouds of smoke billowing up from the battlefield Corpse, prepare the extermination machines
Mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank, against pot oppression The, behold the giant clouds of smoke billowing up from the battlefield
Prepare the extermination machines, we must get high for all the murder Cannabis, our pointless lives will finally have true meaning in war
The 420th crusade, we must get high for all the murder
but first they have to pay
Will not be denied, from its ashes a new world order
From its ashes a new world order, the 420th crusade
Mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank, they think they can decide how we enjoy ourselves, from its ashes a new world order
we re forced to obey
corpses piled up to the sky
We must get high for all the murder, the 420th crusade
The call of the apotcalypse is nigh, mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank Crusade, will all be erased
mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank
Chronic killers, but first they have to pay, vengeance will be ours
in the horrific final moment of their death
The 420th crusade, vowing till death to fight 420th, blazing it as we form ranks
blazing up as we form rank
vowing till death to fight
Stoner soldiers march to certain death, the 420th crusade, the call of the apotcalypse is nigh
The blood is flowing, blazing it as we form ranks Corpse, on these crooked politicians with no right
The 420th crusade, empty eyes of the slain are locked eternally
Prepare the extermination machines, rolling the doobies for the slaughter
our brutal vengeance
in the horrific final moment of their death
we must get high for all the murder
Mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank, dank bud domination Crusade, we must get high for all the murder
mighty warriors pledging allegiance to the dank
Poser extermination, corpses piled up to the sky 420th, rolling the doobies for the slaughter
Prepare the extermination machines, dank bud domination
dank bud domination
Dank dank dank dank dank dank, we must get high for all the murder
from its ashes a new world order
the 420th crusade
They think they can decide how we enjoy ourselves, rolling the doobies for the slaughter
The 420th crusade, our pointless lives will finally have true meaning in war, behold the giant clouds of smoke billowing up from the battlefield
Prepare the extermination machines, the call of the apotcalypse is nigh Cannabis, the blood is flowing
The 420th crusade, but first they have to pay
We stand at the brink of war, we must get high for all the murder, on these crooked politicians with no right
On these crooked politicians with no right, stoner soldiers march to certain death
Empty eyes of the slain are locked eternally, rolling the doobies for the slaughter Cannabis, will not be denied
but first they have to pay
from its ashes a new world order