Текст песни
Pretty bitches like you, all the way to the core
Crystal clear, pretty bitches like you, it s all clear
It s in my soul, invading it all
Are you an electrohead, it s in my body Combichrist, pretty bitches like you
pretty bitches like you
pretty bitches like you
pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, crystal clear
Demanding it all, are you an electrohead
It s in my body, all the way to the core
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, demanding it all, it s in my body
All the way to the core, pretty bitches like you
It s all clear, we re all electroheads Electrohead, pretty bitches like you
We re all electroheads, pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you
it s all clear
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you
demanding it all
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you Electrohead, it s in my soul
Pretty bitches like you, crystal clear, pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you Electrohead, pretty bitches like you
We re all electroheads, it s all clear
are you an electrohead
It s all clear, pretty bitches like you
It s in my body, it s in my soul, it s in my soul
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you Combichrist, pretty bitches like you
It s in my body, it s all clear, pretty bitches like you
it s all clear
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you
We re all electroheads, pretty bitches like you Electrohead, pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, it s in my body
pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you Electrohead, demanding it all
Pretty bitches like you, i love electroheads
Pretty bitches like you, we re all electroheads
Are you an electrohead, pretty bitches like you
all the way to the core
We re all electroheads, it s in my soul Electrohead, crystal clear
Pretty bitches like you, we re all electroheads, it s in my body
it s all clear
We re all electroheads, invading it all Electrohead, pretty bitches like you
Pretty bitches like you, pretty bitches like you, we re all electroheads
It s in my soul, pretty bitches like you
pretty bitches like you
it s in my body
Pretty bitches like you, all the way to the core