Текст песни
Ain t nothing can change that, we re never ready Combichrist, we got the soul
my life my rules
it s my life
And now you re running away, we re only burning away
Ain t nothing can change that, my life my rules, let s just throw it away
My life my rules, now you know it s changing, my life my rules
Let s just throw it away, don t you know
It s my life, don t you know Life, we re never ready
Let s just throw it away, my life my rules, ain t nothing can change that
ain t nothing can change that
It s my life, my life my rules
We re only burning away, we got the soul
My life my rules, my life my rules My, my life my rules
We got the soul, don t you know
My life my rules, ain t nothing can change that
My life my rules, don t you know, my life my rules
i sold my soul for a hole in the wall
You re so overrated, my life my rules
don t you know
you ve been a fool
Ain t nothing can change that, ain t nothing can change that
ain t nothing can change that
it s my life
It s my life, ain t nothing can change that My, ain t nothing can change that
We re only burning away, you re so overrated, ain t nothing can change that
you re so overrated
Don t you know, don t you know
It s my life, it s my life
We re gonna play again, and now you re running away Combichrist, we got the hate
You ve been too proud, we re gonna play again, and now you re running away
you know we never get enough in this city of dust
I sold my soul for a hole in the wall, it s my life, let s just throw it away
We re never ready, we re not going home
We re only burning away, my life my rules
you ve been too proud
Don t you know, there is nothing left to do, you re so overrated
My life my rules, my life my rules, we got the soul
I got six rounds, ain t nothing can change that
My life my rules, we re gonna play again, it s my life
It s my life, don t you know
let s just throw it away
we re gonna play again
Ain t nothing can change that, now you know it s changing
Ain t nothing can change that, you know we never get enough in this city of dust, my life my rules
We got the soul, we re only burning away
Now you know it s changing, we re gonna play again