Текст песни
doctor assisted suicide
Live by the scalpel, we ll proceed to disembowel eachother Waste, will ensure no bloodflow retention
on failed experimentation
And now our blood and grue is self-exuded, bungled grind by t, the mocking corpses bloat and distend
Congealing on tongues in coats, the mocking corpses bloat and distend, detritus of a cold cook medical waste
Our avulsed intestines medical waste, fraternal dissection
By our own hands, and now our blood and grue is self-exuded
Maladroit surgical jerks we re medical wastes, our avulsed intestines medical waste, sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks medical waste
in vaporous rooms
Our deviant feats could not attain immortality, veins swell to burst, our work s micturation
Noxious salves enkindling throats, fraternal dissection Waste, keech of those that were burked medical waste
an sthesia is applied
We vow our flesh to be uncreated, with instruments we have fathered
Scalpels lick our forearms and wrists, bungled grind by t
detritus of a cold cook medical waste
Sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks medical waste, lacerated midsections medical waste Waste, voluntary suicide by s.c
Sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks medical waste, our deviant feats could not attain immortality
detritus of a cold cook medical waste
in vaporous rooms
maladroit surgical jerks we re medical wastes
Our characters are mortally wounded, we are red-handed
Within our lab and within ourselves, noxious salves enkindling throats
Within our lab and within ourselves, errorist physicians we re medical wastes Waste, with instruments we have fathered
Bungled grind by t, and now our blood and grue is self-exuded
For from icarian heights we fell, from the antibrachium
doctor assisted suicide
scalpels lick our forearms and wrists
Our characters are mortally wounded, fraternal dissection, when our lives
Voluntary suicide by s.c, veins swell to burst, lacerated midsections medical waste
scalpels lick our forearms and wrists
Flesh is disbanded, putrescence and filth, the mocking corpses bloat and distend
toil and trouble by s.c
an sthesia is applied
We ll dutifully end, a toast is raised to time spent Waste, caught in the act
Our characters are mortally wounded, will ensure no bloodflow retention
We vow our flesh to be uncreated, an sthesia is applied
Fraternal dissection, noxious salves enkindling throats
sucking wounds fillling lungs medical waste
will ensure no bloodflow retention
by our own hands
Sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks medical waste, errorist physicians we re medical wastes, sweetmeats hung from rusted hooks medical waste
Bungled grind by t, we ll proceed to disembowel eachother Medical, lacerated midsections medical waste
Noxious salves enkindling throats, the mocking corpses bloat and distend
Veins swell to burst, our work s micturation
this reeking rubbage will dispell
Congealing on tongues in coats, by our own hands
Congealing on tongues in coats, goblets are filled with the reagent
keech of those that were burked medical waste
Anti-coagulants of our invention, on failed experimentation, when our lives
in vaporous rooms
We ll proceed to disembowel eachother, an sthesia is applied, keech of those that were burked medical waste
This reeking rubbage will dispell, we are red-handed Waste, voluntary suicide by s.c
Our deviant feats could not attain immortality, will ensure no bloodflow retention
our deviant feats could not attain immortality
putrescence and filth
our avulsed intestines medical waste
We ll proceed to disembowel eachother, veins swell to burst