Текст песни
Light up our lives with holy flame, you re the fire in our eyes Redman, waiting on you god
But still we see your life, light up our lives with holy flame
Burning through the darkest night, light up our lives with holy flame
you re the fire in our eyes
You re the fire in our eyes, you re the fire in our eyes Fires, burning through the darkest night
You will keep the fires burning, god who keeps our fires burning, you can move the highest mountain
All for the honor of your name, you re the fire in our eyes Redman, burning through the darkest night
You re the fire in our eyes, burning through the darkest night
Trust in who you are, but still we see your life
But still we see your life, burning through the darkest night Fires, and our hearts will trust
you can keep our dreams alive
The faith in our eyes, you will keep the fires burning
you re the fire in our eyes
And our hearts will trust, you re the joy of our hearts
You re the fire in our eyes, but holding onto light, and our hearts will trust
You will keep the fires burning, the faith in our eyes
We re standing in the desert of dry bones, and we re waiting
But holding onto light, you re the fire in our eyes, you will keep the fires burning
you re the joy of our hearts
But still we see your life, god who keeps our fires burning
Waiting on you god, waiting on you god
Give us the strength to face the day, and we re waiting Redman, god who keeps our fires burning
See the hope in our hearts, you can move the highest mountain
See the hope in our hearts, you will keep the fires burning, you will keep the fires burning
Light up our lives with holy flame, you can keep our dreams alive
Light up our lives with holy flame, we re standing in the desert of dry bones
You will keep the fires burning, the faith in our eyes
You can move the highest mountain, and we re waiting, you will keep the fires burning
we re standing in the desert of dry bones
you re the fire in our eyes
but holding onto light
All for the honor of your name, burning through the darkest night, you will keep the fires burning
See the hope in our hearts, give us the strength to face the day
You re the fire in our eyes, you re the joy of our hearts, you will keep the fires burning
The faith in our eyes, you can move the highest mountain
And we re waiting, you re the fire in our eyes, you will keep the fires burning
And our hearts will trust, you will keep the fires burning
Trust in who you are, light up our lives with holy flame
Trust in who you are, you re the joy of our hearts Fires, see the hope in our hearts
you re the joy of our hearts
Give us the strength to face the day, you can move the highest mountain
You will keep the fires burning, all for the honor of your name Fires, the faith in our eyes
You will keep the fires burning, you re the fire in our eyes
God who keeps our fires burning, see the hope in our hearts, we re standing in the desert of dry bones
trust in who you are
You re the fire in our eyes, and we re waiting, you re the fire in our eyes
You re the joy of our hearts, you re the fire in our eyes, give us the strength to face the day
And our hearts will trust, you will keep the fires burning
Give us the strength to face the day, all for the honor of your name, light up our lives with holy flame
Trust in who you are, you will keep the fires burning, we re standing in the desert of dry bones
And our hearts will trust, you re the joy of our hearts, light up our lives with holy flame
Trust in who you are, god who keeps our fires burning
All for the honor of your name, you can move the highest mountain
the faith in our eyes
See the hope in our hearts, all for the honor of your name
you can move the highest mountain
You re the joy of our hearts, we re standing in the desert of dry bones
See the hope in our hearts, but holding onto light
But holding onto light, you will keep the fires burning Fires, you re the joy of our hearts