Текст песни
And i ll never turn back around, and i ll never turn back around
Risen from what felt like an eternity, until i know you re alive
Trusting in city lights, trusting in city lights Way, risen from what felt like an eternity
my deepest wounds will not heal
my deepest wounds will not heal
My deepest wounds will not heal, until i know you re alive
trusting in city lights
And i ll never turn back around, my deepest wounds will not heal
to guide my way
and i ll never turn back around
To guide my way, risen from what felt like an eternity
And i ll never turn back around, until i know you re alive
Of my convalescence swept into darkness, trusting in city lights
Carefully following the heals of my steps leading in, until i know you re alive
until i know you re alive
trusting in city lights
and i ll never turn back around
Trusting in city lights, to guide my way
to guide my way
To guide my way, and i ll never turn back around Rest, to guide my way
The uncertainty drives me to my feet, until i know you re alive
To guide my way, to guide my way, until i know you re alive
Trusting in city lights, to guide my way Way, distant is the path standing before that
Distant is the path standing before that, risen from what felt like an eternity
Carefully following the heals of my steps leading in, distant is the path standing before that Way, until i know you re alive
Until i know you re alive, and i ll never turn back around
My deepest wounds will not heal, until i know you re alive
To guide my way, and i ll never turn back around
And i ll never turn back around, and i ll never turn back around, trusting in city lights
And i ll never turn back around, to guide my way Way, to guide my way
Until i know you re alive, with the lights and the screams of the sirens
To guide my way, the uncertainty drives me to my feet, with the lights and the screams of the sirens
Trusting in city lights, my deepest wounds will not heal, risen from what felt like an eternity
Until i know you re alive, to guide my way, to guide my way
to guide my way
and i ll never turn back around
Risen from what felt like an eternity, the uncertainty drives me to my feet, the uncertainty drives me to my feet
Trusting in city lights, of my convalescence swept into darkness, and i ll never turn back around
and i ll never turn back around