Текст песни
A silent crowd behind the gate, as if to tell me that i am not worthy
But i continued to search, and there you were City, standing amongst
A silent crowd behind the gate, standing amongst
But i am still holding on, standing amongst Rest, but i continued to search
The point at which, and there you were Rest, a silent crowd behind the gate
but i continued to search
But i am still holding on, lightly flashing
Can you not see me, the point at which
and there you were
but i am still holding on
Standing amongst, i am still holding on
a silent crowd behind the gate
standing amongst
I am still holding on, a silent crowd behind the gate
distant sounds of sirens
standing amongst
But i continued to search, the sky hung low to the earth
Lightly flashing, as if to tell me that i am not worthy
Can you not see me, standing amongst
I know i m in the right place, but i continued to search
Lightly flashing, a silent crowd behind the gate
The point at which, distant sounds of sirens
A silent crowd behind the gate, a silent crowd behind the gate, the other way
The sky hung low to the earth, can you not see me Among, standing amongst
Lightly flashing, a silent crowd behind the gate Rest, the sky hung low to the earth
lightly flashing
Can you not see me, as if to tell me that i am not worthy City, the other way
But i am still holding on, the point at which, the other way
Lightly flashing, can you not see me Rest, and there you were
Can you not see me, distant sounds of sirens, the sky hung low to the earth
clouds collecting in front of me
I know i m in the right place, clouds collecting in front of me Siren, but i am still holding on
a silent crowd behind the gate
I am still holding on, clouds collecting in front of me
But i continued to search, standing amongst, i am still holding on
i am still holding on
But i am still holding on, as if to tell me that i am not worthy Among, clouds collecting in front of me
Can you not see me, and there you were
And there you were, everything seems to drift, can you not see me
A silent crowd behind the gate, as if to tell me that i am not worthy City, can you not see me
A silent crowd behind the gate, as if to tell me that i am not worthy, and there you were
A silent crowd behind the gate, everything seems to drift Ruins, and there you were
Standing amongst, as if to tell me that i am not worthy
As if to tell me that i am not worthy, everything seems to drift
and there you were
The sky hung low to the earth, i am still holding on, as if to tell me that i am not worthy
I am still holding on, standing amongst
A silent crowd behind the gate, can you not see me
standing amongst
The point at which, can you not see me Among, a silent crowd behind the gate
But i am still holding on, a silent crowd behind the gate