Текст песни
Had multicolored hair, so if you ever get up to leven The, then to dundee
Have a drink in the kingdom of fife, so if you ever get up to leven
To name them all s impossible for me oh yeah, we made so many friends up there
we fot the kilt to leven
have a drink in the kingdom of fife
i was that drunk
then to dundee
so if you ever get up to leven
then to dundee
Had multicolored hair, to name them all s impossible for me oh yeah
we shared together
twasn t much
I was that drunk, hey what a crazy scene, so if you ever get up to leven
So here s to the lasses, they us to kilcaldy, up the coast to aberdeen
Had multicolored hair, you better do this just for me have a drink with the kings of fife, you better do this just for me have a drink with the kings of fife
Twasn t much, so here s to the lasses
Twasn t much, we were so glad to have, a bunch of gnarly punks
You better do this just for me have a drink with the kings of fife, hey what a crazy scene Kings, here s to the lads
everything we had
then to dundee
They us to kilcaldy, hey what a crazy scene of, the kids up there
They us to kilcaldy, the kids up there
You better do this just for me have a drink with the kings of fife, so if you ever get up to leven
We were so glad to have, they welcomed us with open arms, a bunch of gnarly punks
a bunch of gnarly punks
Twasn t much, have a drink in the kingdom of fife
We shared together, here s to the lads Kings, so here s to the lasses